
$45.00 - NUTRITIONAL/SKIN CONSULTATION - What are you eating that is affecting your skin? Do you want to change your lifestyle and the way you walk through this world? We go through diet, nutrition, and intentional living to help your whole system thrive, using simple at home solutions and practices that will enhance your whole being.


$85.00 - HOLISTIC HYDRATING FACIAL - This Holistic hydrating facial includes treating your face, neck and décolletage with natural enzymes for exfoliation, along with infused Lavender oil, Vitamin B & C serum to give your skin a healthy, natural glow while activating your marma points for increased circulation, a detoxifying mask, finishing off with a collagen peptide serum. This  also included is a relaxing head, neck, arm, and hand massage.


$85.00 - RELAXING MARMA MASSAGE FACIAL - Along with the Holistic hydrating facial, a Kansa wand is used to get to a deeper level on your marma points to free stagnant energy, balancing the chakras for a deep, relaxing, radiant glow. Along with infused natural oil, the wand is used all over the face and neck to gently stimulate, as well as oxygenate by taking toxins out of the skin, balancing the pH. This massage also helps reduce acne by cooling inflammation and breaking up the congestion in the skin and sinuses affected by allergies. This technique is over 5,000 years old using the Ayurvedic tool made of copper, tin and traces of zinc. It is healing for all skin types.


$85.00 - EXTRA EXFOLIATION FACIAL/NATURAL PEEL - This includes everything in the Holistic hydrating facial with more intense natural exfoliation using two different natural enzymes, which go deep into your skin layers, cleaning out any congestion. This increases collagen production and gives your skin that new hydrated, polished look without any down time. 


$95.00 - SOUND THERAPY REJUVENATION FACIAL - Along with the Holistic hydrating facial, this technique involves the ancient art of reflexology through sound waves. As you relax lying down, your feet are placed on the Cyma AMI-750 (Acoustic Meridian Intelligence) machine, which sends harmonic frequencies through your feet into your entire system. I place my hands on your face activating pressure points and meridians to improve the color, texture and firmness of your skin. This treatment also decreases stress, improves circulation, reduces inflammation, and allows deep relaxation. 


$95.00 - REIKI - A Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation and promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, we are more likely to get dis-ease or feel stressed. When we get rid of the stagnant energy and increase our “life force energy” we are able to heal our whole system.


$175.00 - REIKI/MINI-FACIAL - This is a full Reiki treatment as well as a holistic facial without the hand and arm massage. This gives your entire system a tune up that leaves you feeling refreshed and glowing.


$40.00 - REFLEXOLOGY - This is a deep massage for your feet, working the meridians and pressure points, focusing on the organs of your body to release and relax for overall health.


$75.00 - LIFT AND TINT - This treatment permanently curls and tints your lashes for 4-6 weeks, no longer needing mascara or a lash curler. Great for summertime or the beach vacay. 


$20.00 - TINT - Putting color back into your brows and/or lashes.  


SUGARING - A safe, gentle, organic alternative to waxing. It is anti-bacterial and only adheres to the hair and not the skin, allowing for less ingrown hairs and allergic reaction. Perfect for people that have allergies and sensitive skin.

BIKINI - $65.00     BACK - $75.00     UNDERARMS - $35.00 

BROW - $20.00     LIP - $20.00